The basic Amerindian belief was animistic, which means that all objects and even the universe itself possessed personalities, souls or spirits. Some objects harboured GOOD spirits, while others possessed EVIL spirits. The world crowded with spirits was terrifying to the Amerindians. Their life was spent trying to gain the goodwill of these spirits.
There were three main Gods of the Arawakan-speaking peoples. Yocahu was the supreme god, the God of Cassava. Atabeyra the Goddess of Fertility and Childbirth and Opiyel Wa'obiran was the Guardian of the spirits of the dead. This latter God usually took the form of a dog. A beautifully carved dog's head made from a Fighting Conch shell was found at Freetown in the 1960's.
Zemi.. They favoured crop growing, hunting and fishing.

Drawings were carved into rock at special places, as at bathing places or cave shelters. They were intended to guard against evil spirits. A petroglyph is the present day term for a rock drawing. The only known petroglyph of Antigua and Barbuda is to be found in a cave in Barbuda.back to Ceramic Period .