The Burundi Film Center presents five short dramatic films with themes of love, AIDS, poverty, triumph, abuse, sacrifice and reconciliation - straight from the heart of Africa. Burundian youth aged 18-25 were taught the basics of film theory and production in the summer of 2007 by international filmmakers through this media development pilot-project with no outside funding or resources. The results are stories both universal to the human condition and unique to the tiny, war ravaged East African nation of Burundi. Experience the first productions from an organization under the simple mandate to 'Inspire. Educate. Entertain.'
Bigger Plans
Moma is a young man who dreams of being an architect to build a better life for himself and his family. BFC Buzz: The writer immigrated to Burundi from the D.R. Congo and had the script translated to Kirundi by his classmates(11 minutes)
Nothing's the Same
Anémone, a girl raised with strict Christian values, must deal with a harsh new reality on the eve of her wedding. BFC Buzz: The production team had to use a car battery to power their equipment to complete the one day shoot.(10 minutes)
Reveal Yourself
Congolese refugees camped out in the city of Bujumbura are either ignored or feared by those who pass by. One day, a five dollar bill forces these worlds to collide in unexpected ways. BFC Buzz: Shooting of this film ran from 6AM - 2AM to accomodate the real-life refugees.(10 minutes)
An aspiring university student moves to Bujumbura from the countryside and has to deal with a dangerous living situation. BFC Buzz: The lead actors wife was in labour with their first child during production.(7 minutes)
Kivumvu: Basket Boy
A ten-year-old named KIVUMVU (Kirundi for 'basket') searches for the origins of his often mocked name. BFC Buzz: A four-day-old infant in the maternity ward was rented for three dollars during shooting.(12 minutes)

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