Azeb Mesfin, wife of Meles, is now deputy head of the TPLF organization called EFFORT. EFFORT runs a large number of businesses that were established using loans from the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE). These loans, which almost bankrupted the CBE, have never been paid back. After the Ethiopia-Eritrea war, the Ethiopian economy shrank (negative GDP growth) and the TPLF was forced to seek emergency funds from the IMF and World Bank. One of the conditions for these loans was reform of the CBE. The TPLF agreed to this condition, but then used a variety of tactics to avoid doing anything. However, the TPLF was forced to allow an audit by an international firm (KPMG). The auditors report in 2003 revealed the huge non-performing loans to EFFORT. Non-performing means the TPLF wasn't even paying the interest on the loans. Meanwhile in 2001, Meles Zenawi pushed through a law that eliminates bail for suspects charged with corruption.
As a result of this law, In 2001 CBE president Tilahun Abbay and 40 other bank staff were imprisoned and accused of making illegal loans to businessmen. They had to wait 7 years in jail for court verdicts.
Also private businessmen such as Eskinder Yoseph were jailed because they had non-performing loans and yet received additional loans. In 2006 CBE president Gezahegn Yilma was found dead. The government claimed it was "suicide."
The next CBE president Abie Sano was only 35 years old. His appointment violated the NBE Banking regulations as he lacked the required 10 years of senior management experience. Abie Sano was replaced by a 31-year old. Again, his appointment violates the law as he lacks the required experience as specified by the NBE regulations.
Conclusion: All senior management of EFFORT should be placed in jail immediately until the loans to the EFFORT companies detailed in the KPMG audit are investigated. All the mafia-type manipulations, intimidations, suspicious deaths, etc.. need to be investigated.
The Meles Corruption Law of 2001 does not specify an exemption for AZEB MESFIN. She needs to be put in jail immediately.