The Flags of Tuvalu
October 1, 2006 is the 28th anniversary of Tuvalu's Independence. Now is the time to purchase a Tuvaluan flag, to celebrate and show your nationality or friendship!

Visit Flagline.com for details and pricing

Current Flag, 1978 design re-instated April 11, 1997

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Interim (and previous) Prime Minister Bikenibeu Paeniu re-introduced the original 9-star flag in early 1997 after winning a vote of no confidence against then Prime Minister Kamuta Latasi, who lost office. Paeniu was subsequently re-elected the elections of 1998. He said, "Its the flag our people wanted in the first place. The new flag was never taken to the people for their views. This is the respect for the fathers of our nation. The flag is our symbol, a symbol of our unity."
See Electronic Telegraph report on the flag reversion

January 1996 to April 1997 Flag

Tuvalu flag
The elimination of the Union Jack from the flag had been discussed since the late 1980's. It became a short-lived reality when Prime Minister Kamuta Latasi introduced the new flag, incorporating the coat-of-arms, on January 1st, 1996. It was designed by Filemoni Panisi of Funafuti.

October 1, 1995 to December 1995 Flag

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In early 1995, a redesigned flag was raised, with the number of stars reduced from nine to eight. It was finally decided to adjust the flag to be consistent with the country name. However, this flag had a very short life.

1978 to 1995 Flag

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The first flag of Tuvalu was raised on Independence Day, October 1, 1978. It was designed by Vione Natano, selected from submissions during a nationwide contest. The original nine stars on the flag represented the nine islands in the group, despite the name of the country meaning "8 standing together". Tuvalu was the traditional name of the island group. The ninth island, tiny Niulakita, was inhabited only since the 1950's, and was not part of "ancient" Tuvalu. There were talks of naming the country Tuiva, "iva" meaning nine. These never went very far, and the traditional name was retained. At one time it was also proposed to have all the stars pointing straight up, but this was never implemented.

"Kamuta Latasi" animated flag. See National Anthem for current animated flag.

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