Employment and Human  Resource Development
The Government of the Gambia is mindful of the employment and human resource development problems that arise from the demographic crises, unfavourable weather patterns and ecological imbalance, migratory patterns, the international economic climate and its impact on primary products trade and economic reforms. To this end, the government is formulating a national employment policy. The policy and programme issues that the exercise is expected to address include:
  • the design and implementation of national employment programme;
  • the design and implementation of a national skills development programme;
  • the establishment of a labour market information system for timely, accurate information for intervention strategy design;
  • strengthening of the labour administrative system including labour law reform, institutional strengthening of units of the labour administration system, mechanisms for social security protection, labour inspection and code enforcement, employment exchange (placement services),  trade unions and employers organisations ( improving the tripartite forum of government, employers and workers for effective social dialogue);
  • capacity building for the private sector through institutional strengthening, integration and networking;
  • poverty alleviation through enhancing the productive capacity of the population (human resource development and utilisation/employment);
  • science and technology policy development, science and technology  (including information technology) for capacity building in production, service delivery, employment; appropriate technology policy research;    

The government is intensively pursuing collaboration and cooperation in articulation, mobilising resources for and successful implementation of the required policies and programmes to achieve the stated goals and objectives.
For more information contact:
Employment and HRD Division
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