The combination of east and west Tsavo national parks makes up one of the largest game sanctuaries not just in Africa or Kenya but in the world! The eastern section dominated by the Yatta plateau is known for its large areas of flat thorn bush. The western portion however is known to be more scenic, sporting volcanic mountains and hills with large outcroppings providing spectacular views. The combined park spans 80,382 square miles and altitudes range from as low as 230 meters to as high as 2000 meters. These contrasts are one of the things that make the region unique.
There were some very famous lion attacks at Tsavo of which has made the area famous. It was said that the lions of the area acquired a taste for human flesh during the time of the slave trade when bodies were left in the forest, and legend says that was responsible for the infamous Tsavo man-eaters. Like a lot of the local stories in Africa, this is more fiction than fact and you don’t have to worry about being a lion’s next meal. Your safari holidays in the area will be lion attack free lol! However, you may be lucky enough to see some of these magnificent creatures during your visit to the preserve.

Man-Eaters? I don't think so...
Walking around Mzima Springs
You may also walk around the western portion of Tsavo national park where you will be privy not just to wildlife but to the famous Mzima Springs (the word Mzima means “alive”), where millions of gallons of crystal clear water flows out of volcanic porous rocks. You can expect to see sightings of wild life going down to the water to get a drink from time to time, and can even enjoy an underwater experience. There is an underwater observation tank that allows a look into the water dwellers of the area. This is a truly unique experience that you won’t see elsewhere in Kenya. There are many species of fish you will be able to see in their natural habitat, alongside “walking” hippos (they have a very stylish way of swimming) and occasional crocodiles.

Mzima Springs (by chrispitt)!
For an experience in one of the largest preserves in the world, spending your Africa safari in this amazing national park can be (and will be) somewhat unforgettable. There is something for everyone, and the history, lushness of landscape and amazing wild life will keep you engaged for your entire trip. It is a great time for absolutely anyone (guaranteed)!