Protected Area Plan for the Central Peaks 2007 - 2010
The Peaks Protected Area Plan (PAP) has been developed through a series of workshops facilitated by Dr Rebecca Cairns-Wicks. The work has been funded by the Overseas Territories Environment Programme (OTEP) jointly managed by the Department for International Development and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
The Peaks are a special place of outstanding natural and scenic beauty with their own unique mix of ancient and unusual plants and animals found nowhere else on earth. They are an important ‘asset' for the island as a place for education, recreation and tourism. In addition, water from springs and streams with catchments within the Peaks provides a significant proportion of the overall water supply for St Helena.
The plan establishes a framework for the management of the Peaks. It sets out the basic philosophy for the conservation and development of the Peaks and provides strategies for solving problems and achieving identified management objectives over a 15 - year period (under a three year rolling plan).
The Vision for the Central Peaks is "for St Helena to manage and restore the native habitats and species of the Peaks, valued by present and future generations for recreation, education, tourism, and water catchment."
Download the executive summary here, or for further details on the plan please contact:
St Helena National Trust: sth.nattrust@helanta.sh or Agricultural & Natural Resources Department (ANRD): CANRO@anrd.gov.sh