This considerable part of Brazilian nature, a forest is remarkably high. Located mainly along the hills and Mantiqueira Sea, the Atlantic Forest once followed parallel to the sea that gave it its name, from Rio Grande do Sul to Rio Grande do Norte. Today, it is estimated that there is less than 10% of its original cover. Part of his devastated area was rebuilt with tertiary coverage, as is the case with some urban areas, mainly using imported plants.

Since the discovery, the Atlantic has been plagued by various interests, including the colonialist. Initially it was the extraction of Pau-Brazil and woods, then the cultivation of sugar cane and coffee in addition to the extraction plant, both for use in construction and furniture and for charcoal production. The pastures was a step forward. All this has caused many native plants disappear, although no study has been done about it. Moreover, during this period many animals went extinct.

The first foreign naturalists who came to Brazil, traveled on expeditions some parts of the Atlantic, with the aim of studying the flora, fauna and indigenous customs, and was amazed with the density and abundance of plants and animals they found. But for centuries, nothing was done to preserve this heritage. Currently, existing reserves are insufficient to preserve, especially wildlife.

Recent studies show that in the Atlantic Forest plant species discoveries are still not classified in the scientific community. The preservation of small, isolated wildlife, as well as what remains of vegetation, depends crucially on a strict supervision, educational programs and a regulatory official. The Atlantic, though, still has much to offer current and future generations if it has a rational and controlled primarily devoted to tourism and leisure. 


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