themselves, however they have something in common, the security . Any big or small city, during the day or night, allows a person to walk the streets without any problems or worries. The cities have a very similar infrastructure, which is a reason to why Australians move from one city to another, in accordance with personal interests. Work is an important factor in the internal migration, Australians are always looking for opportunities, and easily move to where they can find them. Today one determined profession can be in demand in one city, and tomorrow be in demand in another.

The biggest difference however, is in the size and the geographic location, where the climate has an important influence in the life style of the inhabitants. There is no good or bad city to live or to visit in Australia. All offer excellent life styles, job opportunities, amusement, schools, and attractive tourism. That is, you can choose the life style you prefer, a city where you will be able to practice a specific sport, or in accordance with what you plan to study or work. For those job orientated, any city of Australia offers work in a proportional way. In the biggest ones have more job offers, but also more competition, in small cities, less offers but also fewer candidates. All cities can offer some kind, its up to you to be able to get them.

Small and middle size cities also have excellent infrastructure, with fewer offers of jobs, they are primarily guided to local necessities. But all cities regardless of its size have basic services such as police, firemen, doctors and education and are available for the local population and its visitors. In these cities, you can notice a bigger personal community feeling and bond between them, with a more care free, stress free life style. The rush often called "Rat Race" only occurs in the larger cities.

There are some other small cities and localities in some areas, close to each other that get together as one administrative region and they function as one with only one region and council. This is the case of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland. Some of these regions as mentioned above, have a big population, that can be compared with any other good size city in Australia . Remote areas and cities in those region have a small population but sometimes attracts a lot of tourists, offering its particular beauty, hospitality and natural resources. To know better each one of this cities and regions, please go the bar at top left of this page, and we can guarantee, that you will have a very pleasant surprise, and will know why Australia is one of the best places in the world to live, to travel or to study.

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