Perth, Australia
Perth is a city located in Southwest Australia. Being the capital city of Western Australia, Perth has become Australia's largest state. Western Australia covers one third of the entire Australian continent with a coastline stretching about 13,000 kilometres. Perth is also ideally located as a regional base to service the growing economies of the Asia Pacific Rim, with similar time zones to many other Asian countries. The metropolitan area is located in the south west of Australia, between the Indian Ocean and a low coastal escarpment known as the Darling Range.

The central business district and suburbs of Perth are situated on the Swan River.

About 70 per cent of the entire Western Australia residents live in the metropolitan area of Perth. Having the Swan River and the Kings Park on Mt Eliza in between, Perth is definitely an attractive destination in Australia for travellers worldwide. The city has been recognised as a beautiful, clean and friendly city and together with a centre of commerce, culture, sports, shopping and entertainment, Perth has turned to be a vibrant city.

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