The city's population makes it a commercial hub for businesses of all types that cater to the roughly 70,000 people that live here. The street side shops and businesses offer everything from clothing and textiles to travel agencies and professional offices that bring people in from all over the country.

Phillip Goldson International Airport - Belize City Port
Tourism has become one of the district's most important sources of revenue. New hotels, resorts, eco-tourism destinations and campsites spring up every year as more of the world becomes aware of all that Belize has to offer. Outside the city, small logging operations still harvest tropical hardwoods within the limitations imposed by the government's increasingly stringent regulations. Shrimp farms are coming up with more frequency in recent years, the bulk of the yield being exported out of the country.
Tourism has become one of the district's most important sources of revenue. New hotels, resorts, eco-tourism destinations and campsites spring up every year as more of the world becomes aware of all that Belize has to offer. Tourists bring in much needed foreign exchange that in turn helps build more of the infrastructure needed to grow Belize's economy without compromising its commitment to preservation.

Cruise ships - Museum of Belize
The increase in tourism and a growing population has required more houses, roads and shopping centers that have made construction an increasingly popular and important trade in Belize District. The government's efforts to improve transportation routes and other services have also added to the district's growing economy while providing more employment opportunities for young Belizeans.

Professional Business Services - Dental Services
Professional services such as banking, insurance, medical and legal operations are also on the rise. With the growing realization that Belize is a good place to invest in, many of these services are provided to people outside the country who are looking for secure investments with a healthy upside potential. Belize City has a growing network of services that cater to overseas businesses and individuals wishing to invest in Belize.