Country (long form) none
Capital Kingston
Total Area 4,243.26 sq mi
10,990.00 sq km
(slightly smaller than Connecticut)
Population 2,665,636 (July 2001 est.)
Estimated Population in 2050 3,505,286
Languages English, Creole
Literacy 85.0% total, 80.8% male, 89.1% female (1995 est.)
Religions Protestant 61.3% (Church of God 21.2%, Baptist 8.8%, Anglican 5.5%, Seventh-Day Adventist 9%, Pentecostal 7.6%, Methodist 2.7%, United Church 2.7%, Brethren 1.1%, Jehovah's Witness 1.6%, Moravian 1.1%), Roman Catholic 4%, other, including some spiritual cults 34.7%
Life Expectancy 73.45 male, 77.49 female (2001 est.)
Government Type constitutional parliamentary democracy
Currency 1 Jamaican dollar (J$) = 100 cents
GDP (per capita) $3,700 (2000 est.)
Industry tourism, bauxite, textiles, food processing, light manufactures, rum, cement, metal, paper, chemical products
Agriculture sugarcane, bananas, coffee, citrus, potatoes, vegetables; poultry, goats, milk
Arable Land 14%
Natural Resources bau

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