The municipality of Jauru had its origin in the city of Caceres, who was separated from Cuiabá, in the name of Villa de São Luiz do Paraguay, before moving to Villa Maria and later San Luis de Caceres and finally Caceres.
This territory was inhabited in the past by many indigenous peoples, among whom there have been stories of Nambikwara, Parecis, Bororo.
Now is not the indigenous people of this area covered, however, is common to encounter the local population in fields prepared for planting, with objects that identify the indigenous presence, like shards of pottery and stone axes.
The first white men to pass through the region, seems to date from the sixteenth century when the Spaniards, raids by land demarcated by the Treaty of Tordesillas, came to the bar of the River. Since then, other groups or expeditions, such as the São Paulo Manoel de Campos Bicudo maintained contacts with Indians of the area. Time in the province of Ontario, the river had Jauru intense movement, since the river served as a transport route to the ancient capital - Villa Bella of the Trinity. You could say that this was a region only in passing, as there has been no core population is more advanced.
Only later, from 1946, this area was really crowded. Under the influence of movement and facilitating legal settlement offered by the state of Mato Grosso, were sold at affordable prices, large tracts of land. They bought land just up the map, totally ignoring the reality. It was the Company Commercial Land South of Brazil Marília (SP) acquired the first tracts of land in the region.
In 1953, this land, located between the river Jauru to the height of the confluence of the Blessed Sacrament, began to be occupied. Some of these lands formed the urban area of the current municipality of Jauru.
The origin of the name Jauru, derives from the Tupi language, meaning "Big Fish". Initially, the city received the name "Gleba Paulista, later, depending on the religiosity of the people, was renamed" City of God ".
However, perhaps the strength of the name of the historic river that runs through this Jauru territory, eventually prevailed called "Jauru" for the city.
From 1954 arrived in the area, from Sao Paulo, Parana and Minas Gerais, some families. With these families, the first two crops of coffee, rice, corn and beans.