Kula Eco Park is set in the southern Coral Coast area of Viti Levu. The park nestles in a valley of coastal forest less than 1,000 meters from the ocean. Nearby is the river town of Sigatoka (pronounced Sing-a-toe-ka). Queen's Highway runs past the park's entrance on its way between the international airport of Nadi (pronounced Nan-dee) and the capital city of Suva, A "bird park" had been established on the site in the late '80's and displayed typical aviculture species. It soon failed and the owner abandoned Fiji. By 1996 the park was in shocking condition with most of the birds either dead or dying from poor nutrition and care. The property was taken over by Kula Eco Park Management in January of 1997 and immediate action was taken to save the remaining inhabitants.

Today the park is the environmental showplace of the South Pacific. Kula Eco Park works in cooperation with The National Trust for Fiji, The Endangered Species Recovery Council of San Diego, The Parks Board of New South Wales, Australia, is a Full Institutional Member of The Australasian Regional Association of Zoological Parks & Aquaria, an Honorary Associate of the Royal Zoological Society of South Australia and has been presented the "Excellence in Tourism" award for Best Attraction in Fiji a number of times.

Kula Eco Park is dedicated to the conservation of Fiji's indigenous flora and fauna and the environmental education of Fiji's children. The park is open to the public everyday and is operationally funded through gate receipts (75%) and private contributions (25%). Proud holders of the 1999, 2002 & 2003 'Excellence in Tourism' Award as Fiji's best attraction For those of you not yet fortunate enough to have Kula Eco Park. Literally hundreds of Islands make up the Fiji Group although fewer than 325 are considered large enough for habitation and only 106 actually have people living on them. The largest of these is Viti Levu.

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