Seward played a major role in Alaska"s history. Settlers first arrived in Seward Alaska in the 1890s. In 1912, the settlement, incorporated It became the supply base of Alaska Railroad construction 1915-23. Tsunamis created by the 9.2 earthquake in March 1964 destroyed part of town and killed several people. Seward Alaska is named William H. Seward, who was the secretary of state that advocated the purchase of Alaska in 1867. Today, over 300,000 cruise ship passengers choose a Seaward Alaska vacation. Additional, thousands of sport fishers enjoy a Seward fishing trip each year.

Seward Alaska is situated at the head of Resurrection Bay on the Kenai Peninsula. This picturesque town, which is located 126 miles south of Anchorage, is sometimes referred to as the Gateway to Kenai Fjords National Park. Seaward Alaska is unique in that it resembles both a port city and an alpine resort town. For an Alaska shopping experience, the bustling harbor of Seward Alaska, along with its downtown section is filled with a number of art galleries and quaintly unique shops. You can reach Seaward by Seward Highway Scenic Byway, the Alaska Railroad, by bus, air, or cruise ship.

People who take a Seward Alaska vacation often find that words are not sufficient to describe its beauty. However, we will make a feeble attempt. Picture yourself surrounded by a glistening blue body of water. This is Resurrection Bay. As you look up, you gasp in awe at the towering Mt. Marathon, where the world famous 4th of July race is held. Harding Icefield lies in front of the mountain. Eight tidewater glaciers flow from the Harding Icefields. Exit Glacier, on the north end of the ice field, is accessible by automobile.

Abundant marine life can be found in Seward’s water. Above you, the eagles and seabirds fill the air while mountain goats, bear and moose call the forests around Seward their home. These are the sights you will see on a Seward Alaska vacation.

Some people plan a Seward Alaska vacation in order to visit Kenai Fjords National Park which encompasses 587,000 acres, or 917 square miles, of the mountainous Kenai Peninsula. Some come to see the sea lions, humpback whales, puffins and other wildlife that inhabits the park. Others come to see the glaciers.

Many people take Seward fishing vacations because of the abundance of salmon the area is noted for. Others return from their Seward fishing trips boasting of their excellent halibut catches. Whether you are going on an Alaska fishing trip, an Alaska cruise or are interested in studying Alaska"s history, Seward Alaska is an exciting place to visit.


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