Halibut Fishing. Homer Alaska. The phrases are practically synonymous. In fact, if you are interested in halibut fishing Homer Alaska is the halibut capitol of the world. Whether you enjoy arts festivals, hiking, sightseeing or halibut fishing Homer Alaska will provide you with a fantastic vacation experience.

Homer, Alaska attracts a multitude of artists who produce and sell artwork in many different genres. The beauty of the town has inspired painters, potters, jewelers, weavers, woodcarvers, and doll makers to create magnificent works that can be found at local art galleries, gift shops or studios in throughout the Homer Alaska area. At the Pratt Museum, you will also find an excellent selection of traditional Alaskan art.

A good deal of the halibut fishing in Homer Alaska occurs around the waters of the Cook Inlet and Kachemak Bay. This area is known for some of the largest and tastiest halibut in the world. With that in mind, if you are planning to do any halibut fishing in Homer Alaska, it behooves you to have heavy gear. Many anglers prefer to drop a heavily weighted, baited-hook or artificial lure overboard to jig just above the ocean floor. Once the halibut is hooked, it will need to be reeled to the surface. Make sure you get in shape prior to going halibut fishing in Homer Alaska. This process is a strenuous workout. Fortunately, many of the halibut, once hooked will float to the surface without a fight. They may well be preserving their energy for thrashing about once they are on the ship.

If your vacation plans include Homer Alaska fly-fishing, keep in mind that you must purchase a sport-fishing license. You can purchase a Homer Alaska fly-fishing license at many of the businesses around Homer. License fees range from 10 to 50 dollars depending on resident status and length of validity. If you are planning to fish for king salmon, a king salmon tag must also be purchased. Anyone who is planning to engage in Homer Alaska fly fishing is requested to check the Alaska Department of Fish and Game Sport Fishing Regulations for Cook Inlet for exact dates and catch limits. Their offices located at 3298 Douglas Street off Ocean Drive.

For lodging options, Homer has a variety of small hotels, bed and breakfasts and campgrounds. Whether you are looking for a romantic honeymoon vacation or a rustic and athletic lodging experience, Homer has it all.


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