Notable residents

• 36 Crazyfists, metalcore band from Kenai
• Marty Beckerman, author
• Irene Bedard, actress
• Benny Benson, designer of the flag of Alaska
• Tom Bodett, author and voice actor
• Carlos Boozer, professional basketball player
• Susan Butcher, noted dog musher, four-time Iditarod winner
• Craig Campbell, current Lieutenant Governor of Alaska
• Mario Chalmers, professional basketball player
• Matt Carle, professional ice hockey player
• Chad Carpenter, cartoonist and creator of the comic strip Tundra
• Daryn Colledge, professional football player for the Green Bay Packers
• Ty Conklin, professional ice hockey player
• Brandon Dubinsky, professional ice hockey player
• William Allen Egan, the first Governor of Alaska
• Erik Ellington, professional skateboarder
• Scott Gomez, professional ice hockey player
• Mike Gravel, former U.S. Senator
• Ernest Gruening, former U.S. Senator, journalist
• Jay Hammond, former Governor of Alaska
• Walter Hickel, former two time Governor and Secretary of the Interior under President Richard Nixon
• Jewel, singer/songwriter
• Joe Juneau, Canadian-born prospector who co-founded the city of Juneau, Alaska
• Tony Knowles, former Governor of Alaska
• Trajan Langdon, professional basketball player
• Sydney Laurence, noted landscape painter
• Hilary Lindh, alpine ski racer
• Ray Mala, actor
• Lance Mackey, four time Yukon Quest and three time Iditarod winner
• Holly Madison, model and television personality
• Tommy Moe, won a gold medal at the 1994 Winter Olympics at Lillehammer, Norway
• Kelly Moneymaker, singer
• Margaret Murie, the Grandmother of the Conservation Movement
• Frank Murkowski, former United States Senator from Alaska and former Governor of Alaska
• Sarah Palin, 2008 Republican Vice Presidential nominee, former Governor of Alaska
• Sean Parnell, former Lieutenant Governor of Alaska, current Governor of Alaska
• Elizabeth Peratrovich, civil rights activist
• Sean Rash, Professional Tenpin Bowler
• Libby Riddles, noted dog musher, first woman to win Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race
• Curt Schilling, professional baseball player
• Don Simpson, noted film producer
• Soapy Smith, con artist and gangster
• Nate Thompson, professional ice hockey player
• Khleo Thomas, Actor/Rapper
• Paul Varelans, UFC fighter
• Mr. Whitekeys, writer, musician, commentator, and satirist
• Dave Williams, professional baseball player

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