Park Trammell

Park Monroe Trammell (April 9, 1876 – May 8, 1936), an American politician of the Democratic Party, was the 21st Governor of Florida and represented Florida in the United States Senate from 1917 until 1936.

Born in Macon County, Alabama, his family relocated to Polk County, Florida, where he received all of his primary education. He attended college at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. During the Spanish-American War he served in the quartermasters service in Tampa, Florida. After the war, he returned to Polk County, settling in Lakeland, Florida, and practiced law while becoming a citrus grower and newspaper owner and editor.

He held several elected office in his life. He was mayor of Lakeland, Florida, from 1899 to 1903, member of the Florida House of Representatives in 1902, state Senator from 1904 to 1908 (serving as Senate president in 1905), Florida Attorney General from 1909 to 1913, and after his term as governor of Florida (January 7, 1913 to January 2, 1917), a United States Senator from March 4, 1917 until his death on May 8, 1936 in Washington, D.C. He is buried in Roselawn Cemetery in Lakeland, Florida.

Source: Wikipedia

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