Immigrants in Belgium

Immigrants in Belgium

Immigrants in Belgium

Belgium has a long history of immigration, with immigrants making up a significant portion of the country's population. According to 2023 statistics, approximately 13% of the population of Belgium are foreign-born, with the largest immigrant groups coming from countries such as Morocco, France, Italy, the Netherlands, and Turkiye.

Immigrants in Belgium face a range of challenges, including language barriers, difficulties accessing healthcare and education, discrimination, and social isolation. The Belgian government has implemented various policies to support integration and facilitate the integration of immigrants into Belgian society. These policies include language courses, social housing programs, and job training programs.

Belgium also has a large population of undocumented immigrants, estimated to be around 100,000 people. These individuals face significant challenges accessing basic services and are at risk of exploitation by employers and landlords.

Overall, the integration of immigrants in Belgium remains a complex issue, and there is ongoing debate and discussion about the best ways to support immigrant communities and promote social cohesion.

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