Immigrants in Croatia

Immigrants in Croatia

Immigrants in Croatia
Croatia is a country located in Southeast Europe, bordered by Slovenia, Hungary, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro. Like many other countries in the region, Croatia has experienced immigration from various parts of the world.

According to the latest data available from the Croatian Bureau of Statistics, there were approximately 520,000 foreign citizens living in Croatia in 2023, representing around 12% of the country's total population. The largest groups of foreign citizens were citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina (around 370,000), followed by citizens of Serbia and Kosovo (around 45,000) and Germany (around 31,000).

In recent years, Croatia has also seen an increase in immigration from other parts of the world, particularly from non-European countries. Some of the most significant immigrant groups in Croatia include Ukrainians, Slovenians, and Macedonians.

It's worth noting that Croatia is also a transit country for migrants and refugees attempting to reach other parts of Europe. The country has faced criticism from human rights organizations for its treatment of migrants and refugees, including reports of violence, abuse, and pushbacks at the border.

Overall, immigration is an important issue in Croatia, and the country has taken steps to improve its immigration policies and protect the rights of migrants and refugees.

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