The Most Unequal Countries in the World | Income Inequality (Gini Index)

The Most Unequal Countries in the World | Income Inequality (Gini Index)

Income Inequality (Gini Index)

Income inequality refers to the unequal distribution of income among individuals or households in a society. It is measured by inequality indices, such as the Gini coefficient, which ranges from 0 to 1, where 0 represents perfect income equality and 1 represents complete income inequality, with one person holding all the income.

Income inequality can be influenced by various factors, including the economic structure of society, government policies, level of education, and individual skills. Generally, countries with high levels of income inequality tend to have social problems such as poverty, social exclusion, and lack of opportunities for the poorest segments of society.

Some public policies that can help reduce income inequality include income redistribution programs, such as progressive taxation, minimum wage increases, investment in education and training, and policies to reduce discrimination in the labor market. However, these policies are often controversial and can have significant economic and social impacts.

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