Immigrants in Maldives

Immigrants in Maldives

Immigrants in Maldives

The Maldives is a small island nation located in the Indian Ocean, known for its beautiful beaches, luxury resorts, and vibrant marine life. While the Maldives is a popular tourist destination, it is not a significant destination for immigrants.

The population of the Maldives is predominantly composed of Maldivian citizens. The country has a population of approximately 540,000 people. The majority of the population consists of ethnic Maldivians, who are primarily Sunni Muslims.

Immigration to the Maldives is relatively limited, and the government has implemented strict regulations and policies regarding residency and work permits. The country has historically relied on imported labor for specific industries, such as tourism and construction. Many of these workers come from countries such as Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, and Nepal. They often work in low-skilled positions and typically reside in the Maldives temporarily, with limited rights and benefits.

It's important to note that immigration policies and patterns may change over time, so for the most up-to-date information on immigration in the Maldives, it's recommended to consult official sources such as the Maldivian government or relevant immigration authorities.

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