Immigrants in Monaco

Immigrants in Monaco

Immigrants in Monaco

Monaco, officially known as the Principality of Monaco, is a small city-state located on the French Riviera in Western Europe. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, Monaco has a relatively small population, with an estimated 39,000 residents. It is known for its luxurious lifestyle, tax benefits, and as a popular tourist destination.

Regarding immigrants in Monaco, the country has a significant number of foreign residents. In fact, the majority of the population in Monaco consists of non-Monegasque individuals. According to available data, around 55% of the population in Monaco are foreigners.

Many foreigners in Monaco are attracted to the principality due to its tax advantages, safety, and high standard of living. The largest immigrant groups in Monaco come from France, Italy, and other European countries. Additionally, there are substantial numbers of immigrants from other parts of the world, including North Africa, Asia, and the Americas.

The government of Monaco has implemented policies to regulate immigration and residence. Non-Monegasque residents are required to have a residence permit to live and work in the country. The permit system is designed to prioritize the hiring of Monegasque nationals while also allowing foreign workers to contribute to the local economy.

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