Immigrants in Seychelles

Immigrants in Seychelles

Immigrants in Seychelles
Immigrants in Seychelles

Seychelles, an archipelago nation located in the Indian Ocean off the eastern coast of Africa, has a relatively small immigrant population compared to many other countries.  The immigrant population in Seychelles accounted for approximately 16% of the total population. However, please note that the situation may have changed since then.

Immigration in Seychelles is primarily driven by economic factors, with many immigrants coming from neighboring countries and regions such as India, Sri Lanka, China, and other African nations. The majority of immigrants in Seychelles work in various sectors, including tourism, construction, services, and offshore industries.

The government of Seychelles has implemented policies to manage immigration and ensure that it contributes to the country's economic development while safeguarding the rights of both citizens and immigrants. The immigration system includes work permits and residency permits, which are issued based on specific criteria such as employment opportunities, investments, or family reunification.

It's important to note that the situation and policies regarding immigration can change over time, so it is recommended to consult up-to-date sources or official government websites for the most accurate and recent information on immigration in Seychelles.

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